Ah, l'amour...
This Valentine's Day, Love is in the Fare!

Everyone knows that being humane and healthy is hot, so this Valentine’s Day, treat your sweetie to a romantic dinner packed full of animal-friendly aphrodisiacs. Vegan aphrodisiacs—from chocolate and strawberries to tomatoes and peppers—are famous for their reputed carnal qualities, but did you know that there’s a scientific reason that meat-free fare is the recipe for romance? The cholesterol and fat in animal foods slow the flow of blood to all a man’s vital organs—not just his heart—but healthy vegan foods will leave lovers full of energy and vitality.
So turn up the heat in and out of the kitchen with these arousing recipes:

One of Cupid’s personal favorites, this tempting meal is sure to charm your chosen one. Wine and dine your baby with a Baby Spinach Salad, Vegetarian Wellington With Madeira Wine Sauce, Roasted Red Potatoes, and sensually shaped Steamed Asparagus. We promise, by the time you serve the double-dose aphrodisiac dessert of Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries, the object of your affection will be eating out of your hand.

If you want to spice up your love life, then hook up with these hot dishes! Lusty lads and lasses will love alluring Avocado-and-Tomato-Wedge Salad With Balsamic Vinaigrette, sinfully good Panko-Crusted Seitan With Chili “Aioli” Tostada, and Mango Crème that melts in your mouth.
For more of the best aphrodisiacs (and for other ways to be kind), check out Making Kind Choices.
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